
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Trouble with Resetting the Fire Alarm System?

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The use of fire security alarm systems is gaining popularity day by day. Though your fire alarm system manufacturer or fire alarm panel suppliers assures you regarding its installation, monitoring and maintenance but he may not be available 24x7 for you. By any circumstances your system triggers the alarm during a power outage in the house or even when there is excess smoke while cooking the food. What next? How will you reset your fire alarm system? However, you may disconnect the battery of the system to switch off the alarm but the situation is still the same – trouble with resetting the system!

You may ask your fire alarm manufacturer or supplier to guide you on the same over a phone call or over an internet chat, but that is not a permanent solution. You should be aware of the basic working procedure of this system. Follow these basic steps to overcome such a situation:
  1. Get the manual first to know about the make of the system, its type and model number / serial number.
  2. Go through the manufacturer's website to know about the process of installation.
    If you are switching off the system because of any reason, disconnect the power first. You can do it by disconnect the battery. Leave the system off at least for five minutes.
  3. The moment you turn or power or connect the battery to the system, press the * (star) and # (pound) keys at the same time.
  4. Once the power is on, feed the unique installer code for your fire alarm system or smoke detector.
Now your fire alarm system is reset. The process is quite similar to rebooting a computer system. You may face this situation in case of cooking food, fireworks in the premises or even in case of a technical failure. At that time, you should be aware of the working process of your fire alarm system.


Unknown said...

Excellent post.I want to thank you for this informative read, I really appreciate sharing this great post. Keep up your work. fire protection toronto

Anonymous said...

Fire alarm is a device used to provide an early warning of smoke inside a residence or building.

Fire Extinguisher Training in Las Vegas

Unknown said...

Thanks for this article! I've never had to reset a fire alarm system and this was actually really good to know.

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