
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fire Alarm Panel : Choose The Right Type

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When it comes to home and business security / safety, fire alarm panel manufacturers are coming up with advanced and very sensitive technologies. The sighting for this particular technology came into existence in the late 1800s. Right from detecting the smoke or heat to controlling the situation, these specialized devices are designed for complete protection from fire.

Types of Fire Alarm Control Panels
The fire alarm control panels (FACP) are broadly categorized in to four types. The difference among all these types lies in the manufacturing and technology used.
  • Coded Panels
Considered as the pioneers in fire alarm panel industry, these devices served the globe since the late 1800s to the 1970s. Usually large in size, these panels used to capture a huge area while installed in a room. However the technology used in these alarm panels was quite similar to the modern conventional panels. As the name suggests, the devices were based on the code wheels technology, in which the codes had to be maintained.

  • Conventional Panels
With better technology, these alarm panels were based on the initiating circuits and electronic sensors. Every time in the situation of fire or excess of heat, the resistance in the electronic circuit is decreased in these conventional panels. This automatically triggers an alarm.

  • Addressable Panels
High-end technology and high-end programming is what these panels are based on. Invented in the late 1980, these alarm panels are clubbed with advanced heat sensors that pioneered the technology and concept for single point heat / fire detection. This technology was much sensitive than the primitive ones.

  • Multiplex Panels
Programmed to work as large conventional systems, Multiplexer Alarm are the advanced version of addressable panels. Apart from the fire detection, this technology is helpful in security devices or electronic door locks also. Due to such added benefits, it has become popular in terms of secondary applications like burglary security, gas leak monitoring, power distribution and various other applications also.

The latest technology, used in the releasing panel is based on the phenomenon of fire detection as well as fire fighting. Such panels are fitted with special automatic sprinklers that release water or a special chemical in the affected area. The heavy use of these fire alarm panels has increased the safety manifolds.


Anne said...

These safety features are incredibly innovative, I will have to research purchasing one of these for our property, our current selection of fire alarm panels is due for an upgrade. Thanks very much for the informative blog!

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